Why do we burn sage?
Burning sage - why do we do it? Burning sage, otherwise known as smudging, is a sacred practice in many communities. It is used to cleanse oneself and ones surroundings of any negativity. Sage is also known to promote healing, wisdom and longevity. I think it also improves moods! Well, it does in my house anyway! To cleanse yourself or your surroundings you need a sage stick and a bowl to keep it in. A feather is optional but helps to waft the smoke into any corners in your home and to focus the smoke in a certain area (especially good around electrical appliances). Before you start, you need to open a window or a door so that the negativity has a means of escape. Set your intention and light the sage. As you walk slowly around your home, repeat the the intention in the form of a mantra and waft the smoke around. If you are sageing yourself just rotate the sage around your body whilst repeating the mantra. Keep a watch out for falling embers if you are holding the stick in your hand. At the end of the cleansing session stub the end of the stick out. Do not use water to put the stick out as this will make it very difficult to light next time you want to use it. Don't ever leave the sage burning unattended! One other point to remember is that people who suffer from asthma may be affected by the smoke so please don't light sage around asthma sufferers. If you suffer from asthma you could try a sage incense stick that won't give off so much smoke but please proceed with caution. Let me know how you get on cleansing yourself and your surroundings xx Namaste xx